Posts written by Shining Star

view post Posted: 2/5/2009, 12:18 Moveset Blissey Cloyster Electivire Forretress Garchomp Gengar Heracross Hippowdon Jolteon Kangaskha - Pokemon

Moveset Blissey Cloyster Electivire Forretress Garchomp Gengar Heracross Hippowdon Jolteon Kangaskha Lucario Metagross Milotic Skarmory Snorlax Spiritomb Tyranitar Vaporeon Weavile



Blissey MODESTA@avanzi
EV: 252 def 252 sp atk 6 hp

Blissey SICURA@avanzi
EV: 252 def, 212 hp, 46 sdef
-movimento sismico
counterbliss by expert evan



Cloyster @ Avanzi
Natura Placida
Abilitŕ: Shell Armor
EVs: 252 PS / 252 Dif / 6 SpA

Surf / Geloraggio
Geloscheggia / Protezione



Electivire DECISA@abilcintura/assorbisfera
252 atk 252 vel 4 hp



Forretress @ Avanzi
252 HP - 252 Def - 6 Atk
Natura: Placida (+Def, -Spd)
-Vortexpalla / Terremoto
-Punte / Fielepunte / Levitoroccia



Garchomp decisa/allegra @focalnastro/assorbisfera
252 att 252 vel 6 ps

252Atk, 252Spd, 6 Hp

Garchomp scaltra @avanzi/assorbisfera
252 HP/ 244 Def/ 14 Spd


Gengar TIMIDA@focalnastro
252 vel 252 sp atk 6 hp

Gengar modesta @ lentiscelta
252 att spec 100 vel 156 dif spec
palla ombra

Gengar natura modesta @lentiscelta
252 evs atk sp 252 evs vel 6 def sp

Gengar natura timida @focalnastro
ev: 252 attacco speciale 252 velocitŕ 4 difesa speciale
focalcolpo (x i buio)
pallaombra (stab)

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view post Posted: 2/5/2009, 12:12 Pikachu Smogon Mosse Shiny Moveset Locomovolt - Pokemon

Pikachu Smogon Mosse Shiny Moveset Locomovolt

Pikachu from Wikipedia

Pikachu (in giapponese ピカチュウ Pikachū, in tedesco e francese Pikachu) č un Pokémon della Prima generazione di tipo Elettro. Il suo numero identificativo Pokédex č 25.

Significato del nome
l suo nome deriva dall'unione delle parole giapponesi ぴかぴか pikapika (onomatopea che indica le scintille) e ちゅうちゅう chūchū (squittio del topo).

Si evolve da Pichu quando la sua felicitŕ č pari o superiore ai 220 punti ed evolve in Raichu usando la Pietratuono.

* Rosso/Blu: Quando vari Pokémon di questo tipo si radunano, la loro energia puň causare forti tempeste.
* Giallo: Con la coda ritta sonda i dintorni. Se gliela si tira si innervosisce, si gira e cerca di mordere.
* Oro: Questo Pokémon cuoce le bacche dure con elettricitŕ, per renderle tenere prima di mangiarle.
* Argento: Solleva la coda per analizzare l'ambiente. La coda talvolta č colpita da un lampo in questa posizione.
* Cristallo: Quando s'arrabbia, libera subito l'energia accumulata nelle tasche delle guance.
* RossoFuoco: Se spaventato, perde scariche elettriche dalle due sacche che ha sulle guance.
* VerdeFoglia: Quando vari Pokémon di questa specie si radunano, la loro energia puň causare forti tempeste.
* Rubino: Quando Pikachu incontra qualcosa che non conosce, lo colpisce con una scarica elettrica. Quando si vede una bacca annerita, č evidente che questo Pokémon ha emesso una scossa troppo forte.
* Zaffiro: Pikachu immagazzina l'elettricitŕ nelle guance. Pare che queste si ricarichino durante la notte quando dorme. Talvolta emette delle scariche elettriche al risveglio mentre č ancora assonnato.
* Smeraldo: Se Pikachu rilascia tutta in un colpo l'elettricitŕ che ha immagazzinato nelle sacche sulle guance, si sprigionano delle vere e proprie saette.
* Diamante: Vive nelle foreste insieme agli altri. Immagazzina elettricitŕ nelle sacche sulle guance.
* Perla: Se l'elettricitŕ contenuta nelle sacche sulle sue guance scoppietta, significa che č diffidente.

Pikachu nel videogioco
Il Pokémon č presente in Pokémon Rosso e Blu e in Pokémon Rosso Fuoco e Verde Foglia all'interno del Boscosmeraldo o nella Centrale elettrica. In Pokémon Giallo Pikachu č lo starter del protagonista.

Nei videogiochi Pokémon Oro e Argento il Pokémon č disponibile lungo il Percorso 2. In Pokémon Cristallo č anche ottenibile in cambio di 2222 gettoni nel Casinň di Azzurropoli.

In Pokémon Rubino e Zaffiro e Pokémon Smeraldo Pikachu č presente esclusivamente nella Zona Safari. A partire dalla versione Smeraldo, se allevato con lo strumento Elettropalla (Light Ball), č possibile ottenere un Pichu dotato della mossa Locomovolt (Volt Tackle).

In Pokémon Diamante e Perla Pikachu č disponibile solamente nel Giardino Trofeo (Trophy Garden) situato nel Percorso 212. A partire i titoli di questa generazione, la versione femminile di Pikachu si differenzia da quella maschile per la forma della coda che assomiglia ad un cuore.

Inoltre Pikachu č uno dei sedici Pokémon starter in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon e il protagonista di Pokémon Dash! e di Hey You, Pikachu!.

Infine il Pokémon č un personaggio giocabile in tutti i videogiochi della serie Super Smash Bros.. Č presente sia nell'omonimo titolo per Nintendo 64, sia in Super Smash Bros. Melee per Nintendo GameCube che in Super Smash Bros. Brawl per Nintendo Wii.

Mosse Moveset Pikachu

Mosse apprendimento
Mossa Tipo di mossa Livello
Tuonoshock Elettro
Ruggito Normale
Colpocoda Normale 5
Tuononda Elettro 10
Att. Rapido Normale 13
Doppioteam Normale 18
Schianto Normale 21
Fulmine Elettro 26
Fintoattacco Normale 29
Agilitŕ Psico 34
Scarica Elettro 37
Schermoluce Psico 42
Tuono Elettro 45

Mosse apprendibili attraverso i Guida Mosse
Mossa Tipo di mossa
Corposcontro Normale
Sdoppiatore Normale
Megapugno Lotta
Megacalcio Lotta
Mimica Normale
Sostituto Normale
Contatore Lotta
Mov.Sismico Lotta
Tuononda Elettro
Ricciolscudo Normale
Dinamipugno Lotta
Resistenza Normale
Sonolaia Normale
Russare Normale
Bullo Normale
Comete Normale
Rotolamento Roccia
Fangosberla Terra
Tuonopugno Elettro

Mossa Tipo di mossa MT
Centripugno Lotta 01
Tossina Veleno 06
Introforza Normale 10
Schermoluce Psico 16
Protezione Normale 17
Pioggiadanza Acqua 18
Frustrazione Normale 21
Codacciaio Acciaio 23
Fulmine Elettro 24
Tuono Elettro 25
Ritorno Normale 27
Fossa Terra 28
Breccia Lotta 31
Doppioteam Normale 32
Ondashock Elettro 34
Facciata Normale 42
Forzasegreta Normale 43
Riposo Normale 44
Attrazione Normale 45

Mossa Tipo di mossa MN
Forza Normale 04
Flash Normale 05
Spaccaroccia Lotta 06

Mosse uovo
Mossa Tipo di mossa
Contropiede Lotta
Pazienza Normale
Regalino Normale
Ripeti Normale
Doppiasberla Normale
Desiderio Normale
Sottocarica Elettro
Locomovolt Elettro

Statistiche Evs Effort Values Pikachu

* Punti Salute: 35 (max 274)
* Attacco: 55 (max 229)
* Difesa: 30 (max 174)
* Attacco Speciale: 50 (max 218)
* Difesa Speciale: 40 (max 196)
* Velocitŕ: 90 (max 306)

Pikachu nell'Anime

Pikachu č lo starter dell'allenatore Ash Ketchum. Compare per la prima volta nell'episodio L'inizio di una grande avventura (Pokémon! I Choose You!) ed č sempre presente nel corso della serie animata. Il Pokémon rifiuta prima di entrare nella Poké Ball di Ash e successivamente, nel quattordicesimo episodio Un Incontro da Elettroshock (Electric Shock Showdown), decide di non evolversi in Raichu. Anche l'allenatore Richie possiede un Pikachu, soprannominato Sparky, riconoscibile dal caratteristico ciuffo sulla fronte.

Sia nella versione giapponese che in quelle in inglese e in italiano la voce del Pikachu di Ash č quella della doppiatrice Ikue Ōtani.

Popolaritŕ Pikachu
Pikachu si č guadagnato la fama di Pokémon piů popolare della serie e viene spesso considerato il simbolo dei Pokémon, analogamente a quanto si potrebbe dire di Topolino per la Banda Disney o di Mario per la Nintendo. Questa fama deriva dal fatto che č diventato la "spalla" di Ash Ketchum, personaggio principale dell'anime, e, successivamente, protagonista del videogioco Pokémon Giallo (il cui nome completo in inglese č Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition), pubblicato dopo il successo della serie animata.

Il personaggio di Pikachu č spesso parodiato, come avviene nel cartone animato Drawn Together in cui Ling-Ling rappresenta lo stereotipo dei giapponesi e ha le sembianze del Pokémon.

Pikachu from Bulbapedia

Pikachu (Japanese: ピカチュウ Pikachu) is an Electric-type Pokémon.

It evolves from Pichu by happiness, and evolves into Raichu when exposed to a Thunderstone.

Pikachu is popularly known as the mascot of the Pokémon franchise.

It is the version mascot of Pokémon Yellow, and the only starter Pokémon in that game.

Biology Pikachu


A Pikachu is a short, chubby, ground-dwelling rodent notable for its Electric abilities. Pikachu have short, yellow fur with brown stripes on the back, black-tipped ears, along with an unusually shaped tail, resembling a lightning bolt. Besides its evolution and pre-evolution, it may be related to Plusle, Minun and Pachirisu, due to notable physical similarities.

Pikachu are known to have acute senses of hearing, thanks to their large ears. Most domestic Pikachu are very intelligent, understanding and interpreting human speech at levels far surpassing those of any pet dog.

In Pika and Goliath!, when Ash's Pikachu was injured, it was shown to have a heart rate of 156.
Gender differences

A female Pikachu has a small "dent" at the end of its tail, causing it to resemble a heart.
Special abilities

Exclusive to the Pikachu's subspecies is the ability to release electric discharges of varying intensity, at will, through electric sacs in its cheeks. This electric energy can be manipulated into a variety of techniques which are mostly used in battle but which can be used to roast berries as well.

As Pikachu build up energy in their electricity glands, it often needs to discharge, as to not result in a short, or worse, which can lead to physical Paralysis, or in severe cases death. Pikachu release the built-up energy through their tail, which acts as a grounding rod, to safely remove unneeded energy. A sure sign to tell if a location is inhabited by Pikachu is to look for patches of burnt grass, which is the result of the discharge. Through an inability to release a buildup of electricity, a Pikachu may develop a rare condition similar to the human flu. This illness is most often caused by strong nearby electro-magnetic forces, which severely impact the electric glands. If a Pikachu is introduced to a magnet, it will be attracted towards its cheeks, and display other common attributes of magnetism.

Pikachu and its evolution family, Pichu and Raichu, are the only known Pokémon that can learn Volt Tackle. In a few rare cases, Pikachu can learn to manipulate Water and, with the help of a surfboard, perform the move Surf. Other rare cases show that Pikachu can also learn, with the use of balloons, to perform the move Fly, removing its weakness to Ground.


In the wild, Pikachu often travel in packs, and are rarely territorial. However, when threatened, a group can generate an intense electrical offensive, and the electro-magnetic forces exerted by the resulting field can even produce a short lived, localized thunderstorm. Pikachu can be harmful pests, eating and sometimes destroying telephone poles, wires, and other electronic equipment.

Despite this, it is a popular pet, and relatively easy to maintain, with little exercise necessary for its well being. However, it is important to discharge the electricity in its cheeks periodically.

As many know, pulling on a Pikachu's tail will result in a severe shock to the offender. Another defense of Pikachu's is the use of its nasty Bite which has been known to leave quite a mark.


They are found mostly in forests, but possibly because of their attraction to their electricity or simply because they are not afraid of people, Pikachu commonly show up in civilized areas. They may even enter houses, presumably attracted by the electrical output generated by the dwellers' appliances. Pikachu are native only to the Kanto region, although they have been introduced to many other regions.

Living in wooded areas, Pikachu often are found foraging for berries. Instead of climbing trees, they use small electrical shocks to release the berries from the tree, roasting them at the same time.

As pets, they can be fed a variety of processed food, available at many pet stores. Alternatively, like most Pokémon, Pikachu are tolerant to most "human" foods, and sometimes enjoy them more than the more nutritional
food designed for their biology. An example of this is the fact that Ash's Pikachu has been known to have a fondness of ketchup.

Anime Pikachu from Bulbapedia

Major appearances

A Pikachu also had a part in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go-Getters out of the Gate!. He was kidnapped by a Skarmory and Team Go-Getters set out to rescue him as their first mission. Pikachu provided them with some items in the battle.
Ash's Pikachu

Ash Ketchum has a Pikachu that he obtained from Professor Oak in Pokémon - I Choose You!, the first episode of the Pokémon anime series. It has appeared in every non-special episode since. Pikachu has also appeared in every Pokémon movie.
Ash's Pikachu with other wild Pikachu

Ash was given the opportunity to release Pikachu in Pikachu's Goodbye, though Pikachu chose to stay with him. This episode also featured many other wild Pikachu.

A Pikachu named Sugar belonging to the owners of a restaurant went missing prior to Cooking up a Sweet Story!, and Ash's Pikachu had to fill in for it so that its owner would have the confidence to win a cooking competition. At the end of the episode, the Pikachu returns, however, it has evolved into a Raichu.
Ash's and Ritchie's Pikachu
Ritchie's Pikachu

Ritchie also has a Pikachu nicknamed Sparky, who debuted in A Friend In Deed. Sparky, unlike most Pikachu, has a tuft of fur on the top of its head.

Ash gets turned into a Pikachu in Hocus Pokémon by a Pokémon magician named Lily. He reverts to his human form at the beginning of the next episode.

Many Pikachu appeared in Pokémon Emergency! to help Ash's Pikachu defeat Team Rocket's Jessie, James, and Meowth to send them blasting off for the first time.

Another Pikachu nicknamed Puka was owned by a man named Victor on Seafoam Island in The Pi-Kahuna. This blue-eyed Pikachu had the ability to sense tidal waves approaching.

A Pikachu has also been owned by Luana's son, Travis. Luana mistook Ash for Travis when she saw Pikachu on Ash's shoulder.
Mewtwo's cloned Pikachu with different ear marks

In Lights, Camerupt, Action, Elijah used a Pikachu in one of his movies. This Pikachu helped Plusle and Minun on their mission to rescue Princess Kirlia from the evil Exploud.

In Mewtwo Strikes Back, Mewtwo clones Ash's Pikachu. This Pikachu can be told apart from Ash's due to spikes on the black marks at the tips of its ears. It is also comparatively more aggressive than Ash's Pikachu and slurs its speech, defects possibly caused by Ash tampering with Mewtwo's cloning machine during the cloning process.
Minor appearances

Aside from Ash's Pikachu, Pokémon of this species, wild and Trainers' alike, are rarely seen in the anime. This is most likely due to the fact that Ash's Pikachu is seen in every episode.

James used a Pikachu in the Pokémon League Entrance Exam in The Ultimate Test, but the Pikachu was defeated by the instructor's Graveler. James, after interfering with a battle Ash was having with the instructor, later tried to steal this Pikachu.

A Pikachu belonging to an unnamed Aura Guardian appeared in a flashback in The Keystone Pops!.

In the manga

Electric Tale of Pikachu prominently features a Pikachu.

A Pikachu is one of the main characters in Pokémon PiPiPi Adventure.

A more mouse-like Pikachu that communicates through pantomime is one of Isamu Akai's Pokémon in Pocket Monsters.

Satoshi has a Pikachu as one of the members of his team in Pokémon Zensho. It later evolves into a Raichu.

Shū's first Pokémon was a Pikachu he found abandoned in the forest in Pokémon Get da ze!.

Ash's Pikachu was the main character in the short-lived Pokémon Newspaper Strip.

A story called "Akari and Pikachu's Birthday" is featured in the final volume of How I Became a Pokémon Card.

In Golden Boys, Gold was in possession of a Pikachu, which ended up being Eusine's.

A Pikachu makes a cameo in Pokémon Battle Frontier during one of the battles. Also, a photo album owned by Anabel has a Pikachu on the cover.

Pokemon Special

Pokédex entry: When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build up and cause lightning storms. Forest dwellers, they are few in number and exceptionally rare. The pouches in their cheeks discharge electricity at their opponents. The Pikachu are believed to be highly intelligent.

Both Red and Yellow have Pika and Chu Chu, respectively. Pika often used to shock Red repeatedly. However, Pika becomes one of Red's most valued Pokémon.

Pikachu debuted in its own round in the Red, Green & Blue chapter, Wanted: Pikachu!. Here, Pika is stealing all the crops in a town. The townsfolk are chasing it around, but end up getting shocked by it. Red arrives and captures it, ending the chaos.

In the ninth Volume, Yellow is seen to have a new addition to her team: a Pikachu she had found injured in the Viridian Forest and nursed back to health. When Pika is left behind by Red on his trip to Mt. Silver, Pika joins Yellow and Chuchu on their trip to Johto.

Pika and Chuchu share a loving relationship, one that is so strong that even Jasmine noticed, prompting her to hand Yellow a slip with the Pokémon Daycare's address on it. In Volume 13, after Yellow and Wilton are brought to the Daycare after being shipwrecked, Yellow finds that Pika and Chuchu now have an egg shortly after they were "put together". The egg eventually hatches into Gold's Pichu.

Wild Pikachu also appeared in the RS and DP sagas.

TCG Card Games Pokemon Pikachu

Main article: Pikachu (TCG)

In the TCG, Pikachu somehow manages to find its way into many of the expansions, causing there to be at least 30 known Pokémon cards featuring Pikachu. There are also various Trainer cards with Pikachu in the card's artwork too, including the very sought-after tournament promos such as No.1 Trainer.

The first Pikachu that appeared in the TCG was Pikachu in the Base Set (which was reprinted in Base Set 2 and in POP Series 2 with different artwork). It was followed in the next set by another Pikachu (which was also reprinted in the Legendary Collection). The third Pikachu card released was the first-ever English promo card, Pikachu. The original Base Set Pikachu was also released as a special promotional card at E3.

In the early days of the TCG, several notable errors were made regarding the Pikachu cards. The Base Set Pikachu was released with altered artwork at first, depicting it with red cheeks, instead of the original yellow. While this matched Ken Sugimori's artwork, the yellow color on its cheeks was intentional by the artist, who depicted Pikachu using ThunderShock. This error appeared in both the E3 promotional version and the normal Base Set release. A second error was made in the production of Jungle set booster packs, which, instead of the Jungle set's Pikachu, contained, at times, first edition versions of the Pikachu that was released as a promo card.

Gen Game Pokédex entry
I Red When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.
Blue When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.
Yellow It keeps its tail raised to monitor its surroundings. If you yank its tail, it will try to bite you.
Stadium Lives in forests away from people. It stores electricity in its cheeks for zapping an enemy if it is attacked.
II Gold This intelligent Pokémon roasts hard berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.
Silver It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose.
Crystal When it is angered, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks.
Stadium 2 This intelligent Pokémon roasts hard Berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.
III Ruby Whenever Pikachu comes across something new, it blasts it with a jolt of electricity. If you come across a blackened berry, it's evidence that this Pokémon mistook the intensity of its charge.
Sapphire This Pokémon has electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks. These appear to become electrically charged during the night while Pikachu sleeps. It occasionally discharges electricity when it is dozy after waking up.
Emerald It stores electricity in the electric sacs on its cheeks. When it releases pent-up energy in a burst, the electric power is equal to a lightning bolt.
FireRed It has small electric sacs on both its cheeks. If threatened, it looses electric charges from the sacs.
LeafGreen When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.
IV Diamond It lives in forests with others. It stores electricity in the pouches on its cheeks.
Pearl If it looses crackling power from the electrical pouches on its cheeks, it is being wary.
Platinum It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
Game locations
Gen Game Rarity Area
I Red Blue Rare Viridian Forest, Power Plant
Yellow One Starter Pokémon from Professor Oak in Pallet Town
II Gold Silver Rare Route 2
Crystal Rare Route 2
III Ruby Sapphire Rare Safari Zone
Emerald Rare Safari Zone
FireRed LeafGreen Rare Viridian Forest, Power Plant
Colosseum None Trade
XD None Trade
IV Diamond Pearl Common Trophy Garden
Platinum ? Trophy Garden
Pal Park Forest
In side games
Game Location
Pokémon Snap Beach, Tunnel, River and Cave
Pokémon Channel Collect all 101 Nice Cards
Pokémon Pinball Viridian Forest (Blue Field)
Pokémon Pinball:
Ruby & Sapphire Safari Zone (Ruby Field)
Pokémon Trozei! Secret Storage 4
Secret Storage 20
Endless Level 1
Mr. Who's Den
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Red/Blue Rescue Team Starter Pokémon
Lightning Field (6F-10F)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers of Time/Darkness Starter Pokémon
Amp Plains (9F-10F)
Far Amp Plains (1F-4F)
Pokémon Ranger Lyra Forest
Panula Cave
Sekra Mountain Range
Pokémon Ranger:
Shadows of Almia Vien Forest
Crysta Cave
Volcano Cave
Chroma Road
Chroma Highlands
Chroma Ruins
My Pokémon Ranch Random trade with Hayley*
Held items
Game Items
Gold, Silver, and Crystal Berry (8%)
Berry (trade from Red and Blue) Light Ball (trade from Yellow)
Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald Oran Berry (50%) Light Ball (5%)
Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Oran Berry (50%) Light Ball (5%)
Base stats
Stat Base At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
Min. Max. Min. Max.
HP: 35

95 142 180 274
Attack: 55

54 117 103 229
Defense: 30

31 90 58 174
Special Attack: 50

49 112 94 218
Special Defense: 40

40 101 76 196
Speed: 90

85 156 166 306
Total: 300 Other Pokémon with this total

* Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and a hindering nature.
* Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and a helpful nature.
* This Pokémon's Special base stat in Generation I was 50.

Type effectiveness
Weak to Resistant to Immune to Normal effectiveness

* Ground : 2×

* Flying : ˝×
* Steel : ˝×
* Electric : ˝×

* Normal : 1×
* Fighting : 1×
* Poison : 1×
* Rock : 1×
* Bug : 1×
* Ghost : 1×
* Grass : 1×
* Fire : 1×
* Water : 1×
* Psychic : 1×
* Ice : 1×
* Dragon : 1×
* Dark : 1×


Pikachu is capable of learning the following moves in Generation IV.

* Moves in bold are damaging moves to which STAB applies.

By leveling up
Generation IV
Other generation learnsets: I - II - III
Level Move Type Cat. Pwr. Acc. PP Contest Appeal
Start ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100% 30 Cool 3 ♥♥♥
Start Growl Normal Status — 100% 40 Cute 2 ♥♥
5 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100% 30 Cute 2 ♥♥
10 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100% 20 Cool 2 ♥♥
13 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100% 30 Cool 2 ♥♥
18 Double Team Normal Status — —% 15 Cool 2 ♥♥
21 Slam Normal Physical 80 75% 20 Tough 3 ♥♥♥
26 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100% 15 Cool 2 ♥♥
29 Feint Normal Physical 50 100% 10 Beauty 0
34 Agility Psychic Status — —% 30 Cool 2 ♥♥
37 Discharge Electric Special 80 100% 15 Cool 2 ♥♥
42 Light Screen Psychic Status — —% 30 Beauty 2 ♥♥
45 Thunder Electric Special 120 70% 10 Cool 2 ♥♥
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an evolution of this Pokémon
Generation IV
Other generation learnsets: I - II - III
TM Move Type Cat. Pwr. Acc. PP Contest Appeal
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100% 20 Tough 1 ♥
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85% 10 Smart 2 ♥♥
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100% 15 Smart 1 ♥
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — —% 30 Beauty 2 ♥♥
TM17 Protect Normal Status — —% 10 Cute 0
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — —% 5 Tough 2 ♥♥
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100% 20 Cute 2 ♥♥
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75% 15 Cool 2 ♥♥
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100% 15 Cool 2 ♥♥
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70% 10 Cute 2 ♥♥
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100% 20 Cute 2 ♥♥
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100% 10 Smart 1 ♥
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100% 15 Cool 3 ♥♥♥
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — —% 15 Cool 2 ♥♥
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 —% 20 Cool 2 ♥♥
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100% 20 Cute 2 ♥♥
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100% 20 Smart 2 ♥♥
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — —% 10 Cute 0
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100% 15 Cute 2 ♥♥
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100% 10 Tough 1 ♥
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90% 10 Beauty 2 ♥♥
TM58 Endure Normal Status — —% 10 Tough 2 ♥♥
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100% 20 Beauty 2 ♥♥
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100% 20 Cool 2 ♥♥
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100% 20 Beauty 2 ♥♥
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — —% 10 Cute 3 ♥♥♥
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100% 15 Cool 2 ♥♥
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100% 20 Smart 2 ♥♥
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90% 15 Cute 2 ♥♥
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — —% 10 Smart 1 ♥
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100% 15 Tough 3 ♥♥♥
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100% 15 Tough 2 ♥♥
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an evolution of this Pokémon
By breeding
Generation IV
Other generation learnsets: II - III
Father Move Type Cat. Pwr. Acc. PP Contest Appeal
Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry
Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon
Pachirisu Bide Normal Status — —% 10 Tough 2 ♥♥
Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos
Electrike, Manectric
Shinx, Luxio, Luxray Charge Electric Status — —% 20 Smart 0
Clefairy, Clefable
Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff
Skitty, Delcatty DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85% 10 Tough 2 ♥♥
Clefairy, Clefable
Togetic, Togekiss
Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking
Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein Encore Normal Status — 100% 5 Cute 1 ♥
Meowth, Persian
Skitty, Delcatty
Glameow, Purugly Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100% 10 Cute 2 ♥♥
Delibird Present Normal Physical — 90% 15 Cute 0
Growlithe Reversal Fighting Physical — 100% 15 Cool 2 ♥♥
Ampharos ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100% 15 Cool 2 ♥♥
Aipom, Ambipom Tickle Normal Status — 100% 20 Cute 2 ♥♥
Pikachu, Raichu Volt Tackle Electric Physical 120 100% 15 Cool 2 ♥♥
Togetic Wish Normal Status — —% 10 Cute 0
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB from an evolution of this Pokémon
*Indicates a move only available by chain breeding
By tutoring
Generations III and IV
Other generation learnsets: II - III
Game Move Type Cat. Pwr. Acc. PP Contest Appeal
FR LG E XD D P Pt Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100% 15 Tough 3 ♥♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Counter Fighting Physical — 100% 20 Tough 2 ♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Defense Curl Normal Status — —% 40 Cute 2 ♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100% 15 Tough 0
FR LG E XD D P Pt DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50% 5 Cool 2 ♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Endure Normal Status — —% 10 Tough 2 ♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Helping Hand Normal Status — —% 20 Smart 1 ♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100% 20 Smart 3 ♥♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Magnet Rise Electric Status — —% 10 Cute 2 ♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Mega Kick Normal Physical 120 75% 5 Cool 2 ♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Mega Punch Normal Physical 80 85% 20 Tough 2 ♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Mimic Normal Status — —% 10 Cute 0
FR LG E XD D P Pt Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100% 10 Cute 3 ♥♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Rollout Rock Physical 30 100% 20 Tough 2 ♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Seismic Toss Fighting Physical — 100% 20 Tough 3 ♥♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100% 15 Cute 3 ♥♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Sleep Talk Normal Status — —% 10 Cute 3 ♥♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Snore Normal Special 40 100% 15 Cute 3 ♥♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Substitute Normal Status — —% 10 Smart 1 ♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Swagger Normal Status — 90% 15 Cute 2 ♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Swift Normal Special 60 —% 20 Cool 2 ♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100% 20 Cool 2 ♥♥
FR LG E XD D P Pt ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100% 15 Cool 2 ♥♥
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an evolution of this Pokémon
A colored initial indicates that the move is not available to be tutored in this game,
while a colored background indicates that the move is available.
By events
Generation IV
Other generation learnsets: I - II - III
Obtained in Move Type Cat. Pwr. Acc. PP Contest Appeal
Sunday Events

Yokohama Events
TCG World Championships 2007 Event
Birthday Event
PC Yokohama Event
Pokémon Battle Revolution Gift Pokémon
Surf Water Special 95 100% 15 Beauty 2 ♥♥
ANA Event and GW Event Fly Flying Physical 90 95% 15 Smart 1 ♥
Onemuri Event Yawn Normal Status — —% 10 Cute 2 ♥♥
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only from an evolution of this Pokémon
Smash Bros.-only moves

Thunder Jolt (Japanese: でんげき Electric Attack) is Pikachu's Standard Special Move in all three Smash Bros. games. When used, Pikachu will release a small, blue bolt that slowly jumps across the platform. It can also turn around at some corners.

When used in midair, Pikachu will instead make a white ball that will travel in a downward diagonal line until it reaches a platform. In Brawl, there is a purple sphere around the white ball.
TCG-only moves

* Spark Electric
* Scratch Normal
* Tackle Normal

Side game data
Pokémon Pinball
Image:Pin025.png Acquisition: Catch Image:Pin025.gif
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire
Image:PinRS025.png Acquisition: Catch Image:PinRS025.gif
Pokémon Trozei!
Image:Trozeiani025.gif Rarity: Common Image:Trozeiani025.gif
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team
Body size: 1 Recruit Rate: -19% Friend Area: Energetic Forest
51%-100% HP You can depend on my electric attacks!
26%-50% HP My HP's been halved...
1%-25% HP I'm beat... My electric shocks are out of power...
Level Up OK! My level went up! Leave it to me!
Partner Phrases
51%-100% HP Let's keep at it, <name>!
26%-50% HP This is starting to hurt...
1%-25% HP I can't keep going like this... <name>, help...
Level Up Yes! I leveled up!
Pokémon Ranger
Group: Electric Loops: 2 Minimum Experience: 9
Poké Assist: Image:Electricpa.PNG ( Electric ) Field Move: Image:Rechargefm.PNG Image:Rechargefm.PNG (Recharge ×2) Maximum Experience: 9
"Pikachu discharges energy to recharge the Styler's energy."
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness
Image:MDP025.png Body size: 1 Recruit Rate: 8.2% IQ Group: D
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
Group: Electric Poké Assist: Image:Rechargepa.PNG (Recharge) Field Move: Image:Recharge 3fieldmove.PNG (Recharge ×3)
"It attacks by blasting electricity from its body."
Baby form →

First evolution →
Thunderstone Second evolution
Electric Image:025.png
Electric Image:026.png


* Pikachu's tail appears to be backwards in its Generation II back sprites, with the end of the tail pointing upwards instead of behind it.
o As well as this, the tail is spiked in Generation I, but straight-edged from Generation II onwards.
+ Also, in Red and Blue, Pikachu's tail looks similar to Raichu's, having round, thin, brown bottom half, and the top half is thunder bolt shaped.
* The "secret" move for Pikachu's evolution line, Volt Tackle, is actually based off of (and in the Japanese version, named after) Pulseman's signature move, Volteccer. To get this move, a Pichu must be bred from a parent Pikachu or Raichu holding a Light Ball, though this can only happen in Pokémon Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
o A Pikachu knowing Surf and Volt Tackle can be obtained from Pokémon Battle Revolution by defeating Stargazer Colosseum for the first time.
o A Surfing Pikachu can also be won in Pokémon Stadium. Players must beat Prime Cup Master Ball R-2 using a team containing a Pikachu from the player's game pak. The Pikachu must be used in every battle, and no continues may be used. After successfully winning, the Pikachu will optionally be allowed to learn Surf.
o All of Lt. Surge's Pikachu and Raichu in Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Stadium 2 knows Surf.
* Pikachu is the smallest and lightest version mascot, likely owing to the fact that it is not fully evolved nor legendary, unlike the rest.
* In the games, Pikachu is the first Pokémon to have its cry changed -- to that of its anime counterpart. This only happened in Pokémon Yellow. Junichi Masuda details the modification of Ikue Ohtani's voice to a sound capable of being made by the low-tech Game Boy in his Director's Column. In some parts of the game, though, Pikachu's original cry was used.
* Pikachu assumes a pose that is identical to the pose of the Pikachu on the box art of Yellow during its battle animation in Diamond and Pearl.
* Pikachu is in all six regional Pokédexes, though it is only known to be native to Kanto. It is imported from Kanto to Hoenn's Safari Zone and Mr. Backlot's house in Sinnoh.
* Pikachu in Pokémon Yellow was the first Pokémon to naturally learn a move taught by a Gym Leader's TM (Lt. Surge's TM24 (Thunderbolt)) in its introductory generation. It was the only Pokémon able to do this until Generation III.
* Pikachu is the first Electric-type Pokémon in National Pokédex order.
* Pikachu is one of fourteen Pokémon that one can collect foreign Pokédex entries for in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
* Pikachu and Raichu share the same species name with Rattata, Raticate, Sandshrew, and Sandslash. They are all known as Mouse Pokémon, though Rattata and Raticate have also been called the Rat Pokémon.
* On Red's final team in Mt. Silver at the end of the Generation II games, Pikachu was once the highest leveled Pokémon to be faced in any Pokémon game, excluding the Stadium/Colosseum/Battle Revolution series and the Battle Tower/Battle Frontier, at level 81. This places it one level higher than the wild Arceus that appears at the Hall of Origin. However, since the release of Pokémon Platinum, Pearl's final party includes several members that are higher leveled than Red's Pikachu.
* Pikachu was not the original Pokémon mascot. It was supposed to be Clefairy, but this was changed because of the popularity of Ash's Pikachu.
* Pikachu is the first Pokémon in the National Dex listing to have a Baby relative.
* Pikachu is the only Pokémon included in the original Pokémon Stadium that was capable of evolving further when the game was released. Strangely, Raichu was excluded from said game.
* Pikachu is the only starter Pokémon which cannot be evolved in the game that it is the starter for; it is also the only starter who has already evolved when it is received (though Pichu did not yet exist).
o Pikachu is also the only main series starter Pokémon that does not have a 7:1 male to female gender ratio (although gender did not yet exist either).
* In 2008, Japanese researchers discovered a new protein which helps carry electrical impulses from the eyes to the brain and named it Pikachurin. They based themselves on Pikachu for the choice of the name because they noticed that both Pikachu and the protein have amazing speed and agility.
* In Super Smash Bros. Melee and Brawl, Pikachu's side B move is Skull Bash. Pikachu has not legally been able to have this move since Generation II, and even then, only if it was traded from Generation I.
* Pikachu is the first Pokémon in National Dex to evolve under a method other than leveling up.
* Pikachu has appeared in every non-special episode. Pikachu has also appeared in every Pokémon movie.
* Pikachu's body has grown slightly longer and leaner in each succeeding generation of the main series.
* While holding Light Ball Pikachu can be the Electric-type Pokémon with the Highest Attack also can be the Electric-type Pokémon with the highest Special Attack

Avere Pikachu con Locomovolt - How to have a Pikachu with Locomovolt

Per avere Pikachu con locomocovolt bisogna andare in un luogo dove si trovano molti pikachu (per esempio io in smeraldo sono andato nella zona safari) e andate lŕ.
Vi consiglio il luogo dove sono andato io xkč se ne trovano tanti e nn bisogna pagare + di tanto le ball.
Catturate e Catturate molti Pikachu e molti nn č per dire io infatti ho riempito ben due box con pikachu, tornate al box e osservate gli strumenti (se ce ne sono) tenuti dai pikachu: se siete stati fortunati 1 o magari 2 (come č successo a me) tengono un certo strumento chiamato elettropalla.
A quel punto bisogna mettere un Pikachu femmina con elettropalla alla pensione(nn necessariamente quello ke c'č l'aveva quando avete trovato) insieme ad un altro Pikachu maschio.
Dall'uovo uscirŕ un Pichu con locomovolt!!!!!!

Pikachu from Smogon

Enemies' contact moves can paralyze them.

Type Tier
Electric NU
Statistics Min- Min Max Max+
- 211 274 -
131 146 209 229
86 96 159 174
122 136 199 218
104 116 179 196
194 216 279 306
Name Item Nature
Mixed Sweeper
Light Ball Hasty / Naive
Moveset EVs
~ Thunderbolt / Volt Tackle
~ Brick Break
~ Grass Knot / Hidden Power Ice
~ Substitute
152 Atk / 104 SpA / 252 Spe

In DP, Light Ball doubles Pikachu's Attack as well as its Special Attack, making a physical set viable on him. This particular Pikachu is NOT walled by the likes of Blissey and Snorlax; in fact, he does a significant number against the two with Brick Break. Volt Tackle is made even more potent by the fact that Pikachu has a slightly higher Attack than Special Attack, but the recoil along with Substitute could kill him very quickly considering his meager HP, even without his opponent's help.
Name Item Nature
Special Sweeper
Light Ball Timid
Moveset EVs
~ Thunderbolt
~ Hidden Power Ice
~ Grass Knot
~ Substitute
6 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

This set gives good coverage against most big threats, including Rhyperior, Swampert, Garchomp, and Tyranitar, not to mention numerous other Water-types. Blissey and Snorlax wall it too easily, though, and hence the mixed set tends to be better.
Name Item Nature
Encore! Encore!
Light Ball Timid
Moveset EVs
~ Thunderbolt
~ Hidden Power Ice / Grass Knot
~ Encore
~ Substitute
6 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

This set is probably the easiest to set up for a sweep. If you're ballsy with your prediction, you can switch Pikachu in on a setup move and then Encore it, rendering the opponent defenseless and leaving you free to Substitute. Then you get a free turn to cause electric mayhem.
Other Options

The reason no Nasty Plot set is listed above is that Pikachu is like a UU Deoxys-A. It doesn't have time to set up and attack. It needs to get started attacking right away, or else it's going to go down on the next hit. Encore and Substitute are the two exceptions that can keep Pikachu alive and shocking.

Surf sounds really cool, and with the 20th Anniversary Nintendo Power event that was held back on Sept. 13, 2008 we are no longer limited to legitimate crappy Hardy natured Surfing Pikachus from Pokémon Battle Revolution. Grass Knot is more powerful against the likes of Tyranitar and Rhyperior anyway. However, Surf hits the likes of Camerupt and Steelix much harder, but those Pokemon are uncommon.

Focus Punch can be an excellent option over Brick Break on the physical set. If Pikachu gets a Sub up on the switch, it can OHKO an incoming Blissey/Snorlax.

You might be contemplating an Adamant/Modest nature for the extra attack power. Don’t. Pikachu needs all the Speed it can get, especially when that extra Speed can help it outspeed other UU Pokemon in the base 90 to 100 Speed brackets, containing some of the biggest threats available.

Quick Attack or Fake Out can stop things like Reversal/Flail users.

Pikachu should ALWAYS max Special Attack and Speed on a special set. The reason that the remaining 6 EVs were put into Defense instead of HP is because with those 6 EVs in HP, Pikachu's HP total becomes 212, which is divisible by four. This means Pikachu will only be able to Substitute three times instead of four. This is assuming that Pikachu has a 31 HP IV, but chances are your Pikachu—if it's in-game—doesn't have it. You will need to calculate your Pikachu's HP and then determine whether it should have those 6 EVs in HP or not. Ideally, Pikachu should have an odd-numbered HP—this also rounds down damage from Stealth Rock or Spikes.

If you’re a trainer with some serious balls, Pikachu is the rat for you. He can be hard to switch into battle carefully, but the payoff can be huge. A Pikachu sweep is amazing to behold.

Blissey and Snorlax can take any hit a purely special Pikachu can dish out, although Snorlax will eventually fall with Spikes support. Actually, the Pikachu trainer should be watching out for things like Weavile and Dugtrio, who will make sure Pikachu doesn’t survive to 'bolt again. The smart Pikachu trainer should always try to keep a Substitute up as a safeguard against this.
view post Posted: 2/5/2009, 12:00 Infernape Smogon Mosse Shiny - Pokemon

Infernape: Mosse - Shiny - Smogon - Bulbapedia


Infernape (in giapponese ゴウカザル Goukazaru, in tedesco Panferno, in francese Simiabraz) č un Pokémon della Quarta generazione di tipo Fuoco/Lotta. Il suo numero identificativo Pokédex č 392.

Significato del nome
Il suo nome deriva dall'unione delle parole inglesi inferno ed ape (scimmia antropomorfa).

Il suo nome giapponese probabilmente deriva dall'unione delle parole 業火 gōka (fiamme dell'inferno) e 猿 saru (scimmia).

Il suo nome tedesco, Panferno, deriva dall'unione delle parole Schimpanse (scimpanzé) ed inferno.

Il suo nome francese, Simiabraz, potrebbe derivare dall'unione delle parole simian (scimmia) e braise (brace).

Si evolve da Chimchar e da Monferno a livello 36.

* Diamante: Usa un tipo speciale di arte marziale che coinvolge tutti gli arti. Le sue fiamme non si estinguono mai.
* Perla: La sua criniera di fuoco č indice della sua natura violenta. Nessuno puň batterlo in velocitŕ.

Infernape non č disponibile allo stato selvatico e puň essere ottenuto esclusivamente tramite evoluzione da un Chimchar.

Mosse Infernape

Mosse apprendimento
Mossa Tipo di mossa Livello
Graffio Normale
Fulmisguardo Normale
Braciere Fuoco 7
Provocazione Buio 9
Pugnorapido Lotta 14
Sfuriate Normale 17
Ruotafuoco Fuoco 21
Fintoattacco Normale 29
Punizione Buio 33
Zuffa Lotta 41
Turbofuoco Fuoco 45
Calmamente Psico 53
Fuococarica Fuoco 57

Fonte: wikipedia

Infernape from Bulbapedia

Infernape (Japanese: ゴウカザル Goukazaru) is a dual-type Fire/Fighting Pokémon.

It evolves from Monferno starting at level 36. It is the final form of Chimchar.

Continue here

Infernape from Smogon


Boosts power of Fire-type moves 50% when at 1/3 HP or less.

Type Tier
Fire / Fighting OU
Statistics Min- Min Max Max+
- 293 356 -
219 244 307 337
160 178 241 265
219 244 307 337
160 178 241 265
226 252 315 346
Name Item Nature
Nasty Plot MixApe
Life Orb Naive / Hasty
Moveset EVs
~ Nasty Plot
~ Fire Blast / Flamethrower
~ Close Combat / Vacuum Wave
~ Grass Knot / Hidden Power Ice
64 Atk / 252 SpA / 192 Spe

To say this is good at taking out walls is a gross understatement. Even with only a small EV investment, the 120 base power Close Combat coupled with STAB will OHKO common switch-ins to Fire-type attacks, such as Tyranitar, Heatran, Snorlax, and Blissey (dealing a minimum of 98% damage on the now standard 148 HP / 252 Def). After a single Nasty Plot, Grass Knot will OHKO Suicune, Slowbro, and Milotic unless they're running Special Defense, and has a chance to OHKO Gyarados even without Stealth Rock. Vaporeon will take around 65% damage, and Swampert, Donphan and Hippowdon do not even stand a chance. With the bulky Water and Ground-type Pokemon out of the way, Close Combat and Fire Blast can sweep almost unhindered.

Fire Blast is statistically better than Flamethrower, so it is the main option, but if you are worried about accuracy then Flamethrower is also a worthy choice. Notable downsides include missed OHKOs on Specially Defensive Zapdos, as well as OHKOs after Stealth Rock damage on Cresselia, Salamence, and Flygon. Hidden Power Ice is an option over Grass Knot if you fear Salamence, which will otherwise resist all of Infernape’s attacks. Although it is not in the spirit of a MixApe set, Vacuum Wave is an option over Close Combat. It is fantastic against Scarfed Heatrans who think they can revenge kill you, as well as Agility Empoleon, Swords Dance Lucario, Weavile, and any fast sweeper at low HP. Running the set without Close Combat may seem silly, but the things it is most relevant against (i.e. Blissey and Tyranitar) will almost never switch into Infernape until they see its entire set. Blissey still can be 2HKOed by Fire Blast after a Nasty Plot (though the chance is slim), and Tyranitar will be OHKOed by a +2 Vacuum Wave unless it is running a nature which boosts its Special Defense.

This set has problems against Salamence and some Cresselia, so try to make sure they're damaged or eliminated before setting this up. Bulky Gyarados can also be problematic if it switches in at full health, so try to make sure that you have Stealth Rock up in order to diminish these weaknesses.
Name Item Nature
Specially Based MixApe
Life Orb Naive / Hasty
Moveset EVs
~ Fire Blast / Flamethrower
~ Close Combat
~ Grass Knot
~ Hidden Power Ice
64 Atk / 252 SpA / 192 Spe

This set is similar to the MixApe above, except that instead of attempting to set up with Nasty Plot, you drop it in order to gain better coverage with both Grass Knot and Hidden Power Ice. While the previous set is most useful as a wall breaker against stall teams, this set is more useful against balanced and offensive teams, which often cannot avoid a 2HKO when switching out of this set.

Choosing which moves you keep hidden is a useful trick for this Infernape. If you show your opponent Grass Knot and Fire Blast, they may switch in Salamence or Flygon, expecting to wall your set, but receiving a swift OHKO via Hidden Power Ice instead. With the Fire + Fighting + Grass + Ice move combination, Infernape attains perfect type coverage; it will deal at least neutral damage to every Pokemon in the game.
Name Item Nature
Physical Based MixApe
Life Orb Naive / Hasty
Moveset EVs
~ Close Combat
~ U-turn
~ Stone Edge / Mach Punch
~ Overheat
252 Atk / 64 SpA / 192 Spe

While this set may not have the super effective type coverage of the specially based mix set, it does have several things going for it. Due to its high base power, Close Combat becomes quite a bit more damaging than on the special set, and this set’s Overheat is very nearly as strong as the Special based set’s Fire Blast (less than a 2% difference in damage). Stone Edge makes it much more deadly against Gyarados, and when also considering the fact that Infernape’s Close Combat will easily 2HKO Vaporeon and Milotic after Stealth Rock damage, it is clear that losing Grass Knot is not a huge blow. Mach Punch is a decent option over Stone Edge, effectively ensuring that your team will not be swept by Lucario, and providing some insurance against Tyranitar, Weavile, and Agility Empoleon as well.

U-turn is really the key to this set, as it ensures that the few Pokemon that can safely switch into this set are dealt with by other members of your team. Additionally, max Attack U-turn allows Infernape to become a versatile early game attacker, forcing switches to rack up Stealth Rock damage and scout the opponent’s team. Keep in mind also that many of the primary switch-ins to Infernape are Flying-types; they will take 25% damage from Stealth Rock as you switch to a counter and force them to come in with under 50% health the next time. Even Latias, which frequently switches into Infernape, will lose over half its health to U-turn, and you will be able to switch in an appropriate counter.

If you are willing to sacrifice some physical power, you can move 80 EVs from Attack to Special Attack (for a total or 144), and give Infernape Grass Knot instead of U-turn. This will allow Infernape to 2HKO Suicune and Milotic, and OHKO Swampert most of the time. In effect, you exchange the scouting ability of U-turn for better coverage, albeit with less physical power.
Name Item Nature
Focus Sash Naive / Hasty
Moveset EVs
~ Fake Out
~ Stealth Rock
~ Fire Blast
~ Close Combat / Encore
64 Atk / 252 SpA / 192 Spe

This Infernape is the quintessential offensive anti-lead. It is guaranteed to get Stealth Rock up against every common lead bar Aerodactyl, and all the other leads besides Hippowdon will be defeated in the process. The idea is that you Fake Out on the first turn to render the opponent's Focus Sash useless, and then either attack or lay Stealth Rock as the opponent does the same, while carrying the advantage of still holding Focus Sash. Naďve Azelf will always be KOed by Fire Blast, and things like Tyranitar and Jirachi are obviously not great at taking Infernape’s attacks.

Fire Blast and Close Combat finish off the set with two powerful, 120 base power STAB moves. Focus Sash allows you to easily activate Infernape’s Blaze ability, increasing Fire Blast’s already massive damage by 50%. Close Combat is not only very powerful, but also has good type coverage together with Fire Blast.

Encore is an option over Close Combat, but it is really only effective against slow leads. Given the excellent coverage of Fighting-type attacks, and the 120 base power paired with STAB on Infernape’s Close Combat, there is little reason to use Encore unless your team does poorly against stall teams.

The EV spread allows for 330 Speed, which outruns all base 100 Speed Pokémon and any base 115 Speed Pokemon with a neutral Speed nature. Due to the Defense drops from Close Combat, any encounter with a fellow Infernape will almost always result in the slower ape winning, so in general it is a poor choice to increase Infernape’s Speed any further.
Name Item Nature
Endeavor Lead
Focus Sash Naive / Hasty
Moveset IVs
~ Stealth Rock
~ Endeavor
~ Vacuum Wave
~ Overheat / Fire Blast
0 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD
252 SpA / 252 Spe

Endeavor and Vacuum Wave, when paired together with Focus Sash, provide an unusual twist to Infernape's mixed sweeper Stats. After it sets up Stealth Rock, the fragile Infernape will likely take a hit which would be lethal but for Focus Sash, leaving it at 1 HP. Endeavor will bring the opponent’s Pokemon to 1 HP, and it can then be quickly dispatched with Vacuum Wave. Even if Infernape is KOed in the process, you can easily send out a faster Pokemon or one with a priority move to finish off the severely damaged foe. Note that if the opponent’s Pokemon is faster than Infernape, then you must use Endeavor on the same turn that Infernape is attacked.

While on paper Mach Punch may not seem like a bad idea, the split in EVs needed to boost the power of both Mach Punch and Overheat / Fire Blast will cause Infernape to lose crucial OHKOs, most notably against opposing leads like Bronzong, which is why Vacuum Wave is recommended. It should be mentioned that Vacuum Wave lacks the power to 2HKO max HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar; though Tyranitar likely will not stay in on Infernape anyway. Additionally, Overheat is recommended over Fire Blast; despite the power drop it causes, it allows Vacuum Wave to KO most Bronzong after a single Fire attack.

With Focus Sash providing Infernape with a safety net against most attacks, the practical thing to do is maximize Speed and Special Attack in order to add as much force to Infernape's attacks as possible. Infernape's IVs in its Defense, Special Defense, and HP should all be set to 0. Enemy attacks will hit much harder, and it will ensure that Infernape’s HP is as low as possible when using Endeavor without a Focus Sash activation. This set only runs 504 EVs, since adding the extra EVs anywhere else will strengthen Infernape’s defenses.
Name Item Nature
Swords Dance
Life Orb / Fist Plate Jolly
Moveset EVs
~ Swords Dance
~ Close Combat
~ Fire Punch / Flare Blitz
~ Stone Edge / Mach Punch
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

With a physical 120 base power STAB move (and maybe even two!), Swords Dance Infernape is a major threat in terms of both sweeping and wall breaking. After a Swords Dance, Close Combat will OHKO both Vaporeon and 252 HP / 0 Def Tentacruel, assuming Stealth Rock is in play, and Stone Edge will take out Salamence, Gyarados, and Zapdos. Since all of these are common Infernape switch-ins, you usually will not have to worry about them switching out of your lethal attacks.

Flare Blitz can be a useful choice if you want to use Infernape for wall breaking, but overall Fire Punch is better since it scores the same OHKOes after a Swords Dance without causing recoil. Fire Punch easily OHKOes anything it deals super effective damage to after a Swords Dance, and Close Combat and Stone Edge will clean up everything else. While Stone Edge is preferred for coverage, Mach Punch should really not be overlooked as an option. It all but ensures that your team will not be swept by Swords Dance Lucario, it has a chance to OHKO Heatran and will always OHKO Dugtrio after a Swords Dance, and it is generally useful for taking down random fast Pokemon as well as Choice Scarf users at low HP.

If you do not want to rack up recoil damage from Life Orb, Fist Plate is a decent alternative. The increase in power granted to Close Combat, Infernape's main form of attack, is only slightly less than that from Life Orb, and it can boost Mach Punch as well. A third option is to use Wide Lens and give Infernape Blaze Kick over Fire Punch, which will result in only a small drop in Fire-type attacking damage due the increase in base power. Blaze Kick and Stone Edge will have their accuracies increased to 99% and 88%, respectively; and Infernape will still be guaranteed to OHKO Zapdos, Gyarados, and Salamence with Stone Edge after a Swords Dance (factoring in both Stealth Rock damage and Intimidate), though it will lose its OHKOes on Vaporeon and Milotic, and its chance at an OHKO on Swampert.
Name Item Nature
Choice Band
Choice Band Jolly
Moveset EVs
~ Flare Blitz
~ Close Combat
~ U-turn
~ Stone Edge
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Like most Choice Banders, the set requires a lot of prediction, but the potential payoff is huge. No Pokemon in OU will avoid a 2HKO from either Close Combat or Flare Blitz without resisting it, and everything that resists both of those is taken out by Stone Edge. U-turn allows Infernape to scout the opponent’s team and take the offensive, deal some Stealth Rock damage as the opponent switches, and hit the common switch-ins Starmie, Cresselia, and Latias for super effective damage.

ThunderPunch is an option over Stone Edge or U-turn if you really do not like Gyarados, but the loss of scouting ability from U-turn or the loss of coverage from Stone Edge is significant. Additionally, a 75 base power Electric attack is a dangerous thing to be locked into, since even Pokemon which do not carry resistance or immunity take little damage, and they can use the opportunity to set up.
Name Item Nature
Choice Specs
Choice Specs Naive / Hasty
Moveset EVs
~ Fire Blast
~ Grass Knot
~ Hidden Power Ice
~ Close Combat
4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Like with the Choice Band set, you will need good prediction to use this set effectively. Fire Blast is Infernape’s main attack, and it will put a good sized dent in anything without Fire-type resistance and decent Special Defense. Overheat and Flamethrower are also options, but you will not gain an OHKO on any Pokemon worth mentioning with Overheat, and with Flamethrower you will miss out on an OHKO and 2HKO on Zapdos and Salamence, respectively, after Stealth Rock damage. Grass Knot will 2HKO the bulky Water-types which will inevitably switch into Infernape, though Stealth Rock will need to be up to ensure a 2HKO on Gyarados. Hidden Power Ice will OHKO the Ice-weak dragons and Gliscor with little difficulty, but it is important to remember that Fire Blast will hit harder than HP Ice on everything else.

Attack EVs are not necessary, since any reasonable amount will not add any OHKOs or 2HKOs, and the damage gained would not be significant. Still, Close Combat is a much better choice than Focus Blast since it is able to 2HKO Blissey and will OHKO Tyranitar regardless; not to mention that Focus Blast only has 70% accuracy.
Name Item Nature
Choice Scarf
Choice Scarf Rash / Mild
Moveset EVs
~ Fire Blast / Overheat
~ Close Combat
~ Hidden Power Ice
~ U-turn / Grass Knot
24 Atk / 252 SpA / 232 Spe

Choice Scarf turns Infernape into a potent revenge killer, with fantastic type coverage from its four attacks. Hidden Power Ice will OHKO Salamence and Dragonite, and Choice Scarf gives Infernape the speed to make that an option even after a Dragon Dance. Close Combat will 2HKO Blissey and Heatran, and easily OHKO any Tyranitar. U-turn is a great move, allowing you to scout what your opponent switches to, and hitting Starmie, Cresselia, and Latias for super effective damage, but if you want to deal a bit more damage to the bulky Waters-types that commonly switch into Infernape, then Grass Knot is also a valid option.

These EVs with a neutral nature will let Infernape outspeed 463 Speed Choice Scarf Jirachi and the equivalent 309 Speed DD Salamence—the fastest you are likely to encounter—as well as +Speed, base 90 Pokemon holding a Choice Scarf. If you are worried about max speed Salamence and Choice Scarf Jirachi, Infernape will need a +Speed nature and 192 Speed EVs in order to guarantee that it will be faster.
Other Options

Vacuum Wave is a decent option on special sets; however, most of what is faster than Infernape, bar Weavile, is not weak to Fighting and the loss of coverage by opting for Vacuum Wave is very significant. Mach Punch can OHKO Dugtrio on the Swords Dance version about 50% of the time, almost all of the time with Stealth Rock, and all of the time if you're holding Life Orb. 232 EVs in Speed with a Speed boosting nature allows you to outspeed Adamant Dugtrio already, although most Dugtrio use Jolly for this very reason. Either of the Fighting-type priority attacks will deal about 70% damage to Lucario, and hit before it can use ExtremeSpeed, so if your team has major Lucario problems then one of those may be a good idea.

Focus Blast is available on the special sets and can OHKO Blissey with a Nasty Plot and Life Orb, but the 70% accuracy is a major turn-off, especially with the 100% accurate Close Combat as an option. Flare Blitz and Blaze Kick are interchangeable on the sets that use either; Flare Blitz has more power and full accuracy, while Blaze Kick does not cause recoil damage to Infernape’s already low HP.

Infernape learns Encore, and can sometimes use it to get free stat-ups. However, Infernape’s fantastic coverage forces so many switches anyway that using Encore just to get a free turn is really a waste of a moveslot, and if you Encore on one of those frequent switches you will have wasted a turn as well.

An all special, four attack Life Orb set without a Fighting-type attack can have some surprise value, as no one in their right mind will switch Tyranitar and Blissey into Infernape anyway, but overall the loss of Close Combat is too heavy. Despite hitting many Pokemon for super effective damage, the set misses quite a few OHKOs, and with Infernape’s poor defenses and only 104 base Special Attack it is better suited to strategic wall breaking than trying to muscle through teams.

Infernape is a Pokémon in its own Speed tier, and thus does not need to run max Speed to outspeed all threats. That having been said, given Infernape's fragility there is no real reason to not max Speed on an all physical or special set, since Infernape is not likely to survive more hits with a few extra Hit Points, and that Speed may come in useful in the event of a mirror match or against random Choice Scarf Pokémon. The Exceptions to this rule are the mixed sweeping sets, which drop down to 192 Speed EVs to score some key KOes and deal more damage in general. The only pokemon that Infernape will then fail to outspeed are Mismagius and other Infernape.

When designing your own Infernape set, it is generally a good idea to base it around either physical or special attacks in order to maximize damage output. Then, if you wish, you can add in an attack from the opposite side of the spectrum. Infernape’s proficiency in using this strategy with a wide selection of moves makes is what makes it the feared wall breaker that it is.

Since the most common Infernape do not run max speed and Mismagius is rarely seen in OU, any of the non-mix sets can drop down to 200 Speed EVs and put the extra points into HP. While this doe not allow Infernape to survive anything specific, the extra HP can be useful, and the risk is fairly low.

Infernape has just the right stats in just the right places and the moves to abuse them, making it capable of kicking ass on both sides of the spectrum. It's one of the best users of Life Orb too, giving it just enough of a push to turn what would be a 2HKO on many things into OHKOes. With the ability to viably use both Swords Dance and Nasty Plot, Infernape is aided by its unpredictability, and is very difficult to counter without knowing its whole set.

Infernape’s main drawback is its frailty. Just about any neutral attack will deal over 70% damage to it, and it will almost never survive a super effective hit. When using Infernape it is important to understand its role on your team, and use it appropriately. On an offensive team, Infernape functions best as an early game wall breaker with either Swords Dance or Nasty Plot. In this case you should consider that it pairs well with Gyarados, as they are countered by many of the same things (bulky Water-types, Zapdos) and can be used to weaken the opponent’s counters to enable a later sweep. On a more balanced team, on which Infernape might be one of only two or three sweepers, it is likely best to save it for late game, since your somewhat defensive team should be able to stall for a bit to clear out the correct Pokemon to allow Infernape to sweep. Due to its poor defenses and defensive typing, Infernape is wholly ill-suited for stall teams.

Water-types are the most common counter to Infernape. Here, the lighter the Pokemon, the better, as that means Grass Knot does less damage. Suicune's high all-around stats make it a great counter; however like Milotic it needs a reasonable Special Defense investment to take on Nasty Plot Life Orb Grass Knots. Gyarados can take on any Infernape which does not carry Stone Edge or ThunderPunch, but it needs a high HP investment to not be taken down by Grass Knot if your opponent has Stealth Rock in play. Vaporeon is a great Pokemon to switch into Infernape; not only does it have naturally high HP and decent Special Defense, but it is very light, causing only 60 base power from Grass Knot. Tentacruel is the best counter to the most common set, the mixed Nasty Plotter, with a resistance to Flamethrower and Close Combat and high Special Defense to take neutral Grass Knots. Starmie is also a useful switch-in, as it is faster than and OHKOes Infernape, and can Recover off any damage taken in the process.

Salamence resists nearly every move the typical Infernape has, and thanks to Intimidate it doesn't take much from physical attacks. However, Infernape is faster and sometimes carries Hidden Power Ice for the sole purpose of taking down the popular Dragon. Dragonite has the same resistances as Salamence and better defenses, but lacks Intimidate to help ease Close Combat damage.

If you are sure that Infernape is physical or holding a Choice item, then Hippowdon and Swampert can take on Infernape. However, Infernape usually opts to use Grass Knot, so neither is a good initial switch-in.

Dugtrio can trap and kill Infernape, but you must be sure to use Jolly or you may be outsped. Dugtrio also cannot switch into any attack aside from ThunderPunch or Stone Edge, so it will usually need to come in on Nasty Plot, after Infernape KOs something, or by predicting Infernape's switch-in.

Latias can easily come in on most of Infernape's moves, as it resists Fire, Fighting, and Grass, and can Recover off damage. Even a Life Orb boosted Hidden Power Ice from MixApe fails to 2HKO, while Latias can easily outspeed and OHKO Infernape with Surf or Draco Meteor. However, Latias must be careful not to switch into U-turn, as it will lose a large chunk of its health and will likely have to face down one of its counters.

Azelf can come in on anything but Fire Blast or Flare Blitz and OHKO Infernape with Psychic. Aerodactyl is not weak to any of Infernape’s common attacks, and it has enough defenses to survive one good hit as it comes in, and then OHKO Infernape with 130 base Speed and Earthquake.

Moltres, by virtue of its typing, resists both of Infernape's STAB attacks and Grass Knot, and will take little from Hidden Power Ice as well. It can come in on most Infernape and scare it off with the threat of Air Slash. The only thing that Moltres fears is Stone Edge from physical Infernape, but if it is losing half of its health to Stealth Rock on the switch in, Infernape can usually overpower it with resisted attacks.

With max HP, Cresselia cannot be OHKOed by Infernape even if it uses Nasty Plot or Swords Dance as Cresselia comes in; However, Cresselia will have little effect on Infernape without Psychic or Thunder Wave. Togekiss has the defenses to take a Nasty Plotted Fire Blast or a Close Combat and can OHKO back with Air Slash. It needs 252 HP, 120 Special Defense, and a Calm nature to survive Nasty Plot Life Orb Fire Blast from Naive Infernape 100% of the time.

Infernape is extremely frail, so it has difficulties switching in except after one of its team members faints. As long as you are throwing out attacks that Infernape doesn't resist, it won't find time to come in. Additionally, if Infernape gets paralyzed it will be of little use, so anything with Thunder Wave or Stun Spore can severely reduce Infernape’s effectiveness.

Sprite Infernape


Pictures Photos e Immagini Infernape

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view post Posted: 1/5/2009, 20:53 Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 Patch 1.40 - FIFA - Pes - FM

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PES 2009 comes with lots of improvements and new additions

the best club football competition in the world is in PES 2009 as Konami secures exclusive UEFA Champions League licence! Following the conclusion of an exclusive 4 year licence with UEFA, the UEFA Champions League deal will allow Konami to use all elements and attributes of the competition to create an exclusive UEFA Champions League mode within the PES game.

New modes and gameplay additions abound in the new version of the game. PES 2009 has been reworked from the ground up, featuring new player models, AI elements and physics routines that all combine to create the most advanced and realistic football game ever, but at the heart of PES 2009 are two new modes designed to make players rethink the way they approach the game.

Manchester United and Liverpool are both Official Licensed teams within the game as well. PES 2009 will feature the most detailed likenesses of the current European Champions Manchester United along with full use of the team's kits and club crests. Similarly, PES 2009 also captures the unique skills of the Manchester side's key players with the game's recreations of Carlos Tevez, Rio Ferdinand, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Edwin van der Sar boasting bespoke animations to ensure they move like their real-life counterparts.

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view post Posted: 1/5/2009, 20:52 CSKA UEFA kits 2008-2009 - FIFA - Pes - FM

Patch Pes 2009

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CSKA UEFA kits 2008-2009

CSKA UEFA kits 2008-2009 by Owen10

PES 2009 is the latest installment of the award-winning Pro Evolution Soccer Series, which is known by millions of fans for its superior gameplay and incredible realism.

PES 2009 has be released for PLAYSTATION 3, Xbox 360, PC-DVD and mobile phones on 17th October, followed by versions for PlayStation 2 on 30th October, and for PSP (PlayStation®Portable) on 6th November and for Wii in 2009.

Official Licensed Product of UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. All names, logos and trophies of UEFA are the property, registered trademarks and/or logos of UEFA and are used herein with the permission of UEFA. The use of real player names and likenesses is authorised by FIFPro and its member associations. © The Football Association Ltd 2008. The FA Crest and FA England Crest are official trade marks of The Football Association Limited and are the subject of extensive trade mark registrations worldwide. Officially licensed by FIGC and AIC. All copyrights and trademarks are KNVB respectively Team Holland property and are used under license. © 2002 Ligue de Football Professionnel ® Officially licensed by Eredivisie CV © & TM 2008 Liverpool Football Club & Athletic Grounds Ltd. Real Madrid crest and imagery © Real Madrid (08). Manchester United crest and imagery © MU Ltd Wembley, Wembley Stadium and the Arch device are official trade marks of Wembley National Stadium Limited and are subject to extensive trade mark registrations. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license. © 2008 Konami Digital Entertainment.

Download Free Patch PES09
view post Posted: 1/5/2009, 20:50 Patch Pes 2009, Adidas F50.09 Pack Little Update - FIFA - Pes - FM

Patch Pes 2009, Adidas F50.09 Pack Little Update

Patch Pes 09


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Adidas F50.09 Pack Little Update by el_gordito

PES 2009 is the latest installment of the award-winning Pro Evolution Soccer Series, which is known by millions of fans for its superior gameplay and incredible realism.

PES 2009 has be released for PLAYSTATION 3, Xbox 360, PC-DVD and mobile phones on 17th October, followed by versions for PlayStation 2 on 30th October, and for PSP (PlayStation®Portable) on 6th November and for Wii in 2009.

Official Licensed Product of UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. All names, logos and trophies of UEFA are the property, registered trademarks and/or logos of UEFA and are used herein with the permission of UEFA. The use of real player names and likenesses is authorised by FIFPro and its member associations. © The Football Association Ltd 2008. The FA Crest and FA England Crest are official trade marks of The Football Association Limited and are the subject of extensive trade mark registrations worldwide. Officially licensed by FIGC and AIC. All copyrights and trademarks are KNVB respectively Team Holland property and are used under license. © 2002 Ligue de Football Professionnel ® Officially licensed by Eredivisie CV © & TM 2008 Liverpool Football Club & Athletic Grounds Ltd. Real Madrid crest and imagery © Real Madrid (08). Manchester United crest and imagery © MU Ltd Wembley, Wembley Stadium and the Arch device are official trade marks of Wembley National Stadium Limited and are subject to extensive trade mark registrations. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license. © 2008 Konami Digital Entertainment.

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